ANM Current Strength 75 and proposed for 100
GNM Current Strength 87 and proposed for 120
B.Sc. Nursing Current Strength 81 proposed for 150
M.Sc. Nursing Current Strength 0 proposed for 60
It is equipped with 15 beds including cardiac bed, fracture bed and IV arm manikin, Blood transfusion manikin 30 sets of all items needed for nursing procedure practice, it has 3 dummies and one CPR dummy for student practice of various procedures. It is well ventilated with adequate lighting and provides facilities for practice 30 students at a time .The lab has hand washing facilities and separate area for teaching. The lab has adequate furniture, equipments like wheel chair, stretchers, swedon suction apparatus, Auto clave and so on for facilities procedure practice.
It has got advanced delivery simulator & 2 delivery tables, 3 Pediatric cots, 2 cradles , 2 adolescent cots, CPR manikins, ostomy care manikins, Artificial feeding manikins and equipped with all necessary furniture and articles needed for practice. There are separate areas for teaching antenatal assessment, post natal assessment, neonatal assessment, baby bath, play therapy area and has got other facilities like chart, models, specimens, depicting growth fetus.
It is equipped with all the furniture, equipments adequate AV aids for health education like roller lamination charts, models like water purification, village models flash cards and 35 community bags. As well as each student is provided with fully equipped community bags for facilitating individual learning
There are three whole body skeletons, dis-articulated bones, specimens, models of all body systems, microscopes and laminated illustration charts for the easy learning.
It has separate area for preparation cooking and display of food it has got gas connection, refrigerator, washing facilities, storage room, pressure cookers, mixture, micro wave oven which will be asked during cooking demonstration and charts of all food group and food pyramids.
This is fully equipped with LCD TV, OHP, LCD projectors, slide projectors, DVD player and all other A.V. AIDs models.
Computer lab is too large to accommodate 25 computers for the students and faculty usage.
Shree Swaminarayan NSG college library and learning resource center is an invaluable resource for students, and faculties.
It has most complete collection of text or reference books, audio-video material, films, charts, professional journal and magazines, it is a most lively place in the college providing a comfortable and readers friendly environment that enables learning and advancement of knowledge and promotes scholarship. The library has more than 3500 nursing related resources through its acquisition of various books, international journals, online databases consisting of scholarly and nursing education and service related content.
The class Rooms are fully equipped with latest teaching aids (white board, OHP, LCD) it is well ventilated with adequate lighting and seating capacity for 60 students
Transport facilities are available for daily communication between colleges and clinical Posting at various Centers. The college also provided transport facilities as per special needs for all students whenever required.
It is equipped with 2 beds including suture manikin & blood transfusion manikin which are needed for emergency nursing practice. It has one CPR dummy, 1 ventilator & defibrillator model with pulse oxymeter. It has also one suction machine with emergency tray including laryngoscope, Oxygen Mask, AMBU bag & Suture material.